Tee It High, Let It Fly
Do you feel like you are not getting everything out of your driver that is possible? Do your buddies consistently hit it past you? If so this article is for you, I am going to give you my top tips on how to hit the driver as far as possible.
In order to hit a driver that goes high and far you need to setup for success. There are a couple of setup keys that are most important. First would be ball position, with the driver we want the club head to be traveling upward into impact, this eliminates the amount of backspin and also helps the ball launch high. As a general rule I would like your ball position to be lined up with your lead arm pit, this position gives the club enough time to start its upward ascent into the ball. I would also suggest for you to tee the ball up as high as you can get it, which makes it easier to hit the ball in the angle previously discussed.
Once ball position is set next is to have a stance width that is wider than shoulder width apart. The driver is the longest club in the bag and it generates the most speed, when you increase speed you need a way to balance with that increase in energy, the stance width helps accomplish those goals.
The last setup key is to make sure that your lead shoulder and hip and in line with one another and that your lead shoulder is higher than your trail shoulder. A tendency that I see with golfers is that once the ball position moves forward they tend to open their shoulders in order to reach the ball, this act puts the ball back in relation to the center of the chest, thus making it harder to hit up on the ball.
This is a demonstration of the shoulders being open
Square Shoulders
Once setup is complete there are 3 things that I want you to do in the motion its self.
First, I want your swing to overall have a fast tempo, meaning that I want your backswing and downswing to have some speed to them. Too often players are trying to control where the ball goes and consequently they end up limiting how far the ball could travel.
Second I want you to try and hit up on the ball. This could be the single most important thing that you do to improve the overall efficiency of the shot. Hitting up on the ball has so many effects on the ball and how far it flies.
The last thing is swing FAST! I often get the question of how do I hit it further? Once the player is more efficient with the strike and the angle of attack than it comes down to just getting the club moving as fast as you can. There is no magic secret to this; it is just trying to hit the ball as hard as you can as often as you can. Speed comes from training your body to consistently swing fast and that can be done on the range, at home, or on the golf course. Get that club moving!
With these tips I am confident that you will start hitting your longest drives ever!
Give It A Try!!